Tuesday, June 25, 2013

06/24/13:    Thanks to Pastor Sharon Sabom for her continued support and prayers during this challenging time.  I greatly appreciate it.   God bless you,

06/23/13:   Attended church this morning at St Stephens United Methodist church.  It is the first sermon in English I have heard in over 1 month.  Listening to the choir sing this morning was also different …  as I still hear (in the back of my mind) the Deaconess students' angelic voices filling the church with the native language, Tagalog.  Obviously I am still adjusting to life back home in the states.  
I am reminded that I left Dr Angie with 2500 Pesos to purchase some story books in Taytay for the Upper Javier Pre-K school children.   I advised Dr Angie that I would also purchase books from the local MAM resale shop and ship them to Olive for the Pre-K school.   I will followup with Olive in the next week.

I am also reminded that Sandy at St Stephens UMC has a closet of material collected for sewing projects, and I am thinking about shipping some to the Sewing Center.  

06/21/13:   I will be checking in with Olive Oliveros, Upper Javier Pre-K school teacher, routinely for updates regarding the Pre-K school activities and the feeding program which St Stephens UMC is sponsoring.  The construction work for the Sewing Center should be near completion within the week or so, if not already.   I hope to have updates of the Sewing Center and also photos of the women beginning to sew again.  

A special Thank You for all those that contributed to the Sewing Center's construction project.
Ka-Ricah and I previously discussed the opportunity for the women to sew floor mats at the competitive market price, and buyers have been identified.  This gives the sewers additional options contributing to the work program.  I will followup with Olive to check that she has arranged for the box of non-cotton material at Harris Memorial College to be delivered to Upper Javier Sewing Center so the women can begin designing and sewing the floor mats.  

06/16/13:  After a lot of prayers, I made a difficult decision to return home in order to address an urgent family matter.  It was one of the hardest decisions I have had to make.  I departed 6/18,   arrived home 6/19, and am not ready to stop.   My heart is still in Upper Javier today.   I will continue as best I can but from a distance (so to speak). 

I am so grateful for the relationships developed at Harris Memorial College and at Upper Javier, specifically Ka-Ricah, Virgean, Ruby and all the women Sewers.  I am also very grateful for the opportunity to learn about teaching English as Second Language (ESL).  I hope to work with the ESL program in the Houston area so that I can share learnings with Harris Memorial College. 
Attached is photo of the dress sewn at Upper Javier which the women gave to me as a parting gift.  I am humbled by their generosity and love the dress.  The women used and modified the pattern they recently learned to sew.  These women are amazing!   I am very, very proud to call these women my friends and look forward to returning to Upper Javier

Friday, June 14, 2013

06/14/13 PM:  Tentatively planning to hold a meeting with Upper Javier community to discuss if there is interest for another basic class on Sewing & separate class on Gardening.  Apparently more women in the community want to learn to sew & a few expressed interest in gardening to feed their families.
I am hopeful the men & youth will also be interested in basic gardening.  Over time this could  develop into a community-wide activity everyone participates in, benefits from, & takes pride in.  IF we can teach a small core group in the community to grow their own vegetables to provide for their 
families, then they can teach others in the community as well as sharing their bounty with the community & beyond.   I pray that God will open the doors to provide this opportunity, but obviously will wait to see how it develops. 

In the meantime I can do some homework, for example:  research the common pests & local plants that may help minimize pests; where to buy local seed and soil (if needed); review soil content in Upper Javier.  Some common vegetables grown nearby include:  cabbage; green onions; white radish; okra; tomato; bell peppers; squash; string beans.  All of these are used routinely in soup (“Sopas”) which is eaten year round.  Dr Angie’s team will plan a trip with me to a local farming community in order to observe & learn about local farming.  [PS: I may start a small test garden near the Canteen on College campus which would benefit Chef Hector & his kitchen staff. Not sure how the rainy season will impact it though.]

06/14/13:  In the morning I attended the Pre-K Orientation meeting with parents & met the mothers & children.  Children are very excited to start school.  Parent volunteers were identified  to cook the meals for the feeding program three times weekly, plus volunteers for cleaning the school twice daily.  Parents involvement in the school keeps them directly connected to the program & provides them with a voice in the community while setting a positive role model example for their children too.   Though everyone may not attend Pre-K school due to economics or the class limit of 30, they are trying to accommodate as best possible.  Currently there are 28 students ready to start pre-k & the photos reflect their excitement.  I wish good luck to the Pre-K teacher, Olive Oliveros, who also serves as my interpreter.  
The afternoon was spent shopping for some educational toys for teaching the 4 & 5 year olds, ie, abacus & building blocks.  All other school supplies for the 28 students have been collected.  We may go shopping one more time to the open market for some flash cards. 
06/13/13 Evening:   The evening was spent clarifying my schedule of volunteer activities: 
- On Monday & Friday mornings (8-Noon):   I will conduct a one-on-one ESL session with a Japanese student.  Student’s name is “Kota”, 17 years old.   Kota loves to sing per his mother.  In addition to  the ESL syllabus developed by the College, 
I am thinking that music may be a useful tool in teaching Kota.  He is currently at Pre-K level of understanding & speaking English as a second language.  Kota desires to learn English in order to write music.  The ESL sessions start Monday 6/17.
- On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Thursdays (7:30 – 4:00pm):  I will assist Upper Javier women with the feeding program for Pre-K children.  The feeding, 3 times weekly, supplements their  meal.  I will also attend Pre-K school when available in afternoon.  Pre-K 1 class for 4 year olds is held in the morning from 8-11:30, and Pre-K 2 class for 5 year olds from 1-5pm.   It will be interesting to learn the logistics for the feeding program, ie food purchase & cooking preparation. 
- On Tuesdays & Thursdays (6 - 7:30 pm):  I will audit the Tagalog-1 Language class in order to learn the native language fundamentals.   I look forward to this class starting on Tuesday 6/18.

06/13/13:   The trek to Upper Javier this morning was different.   A heavy rain fell all night into early morning.   My goal for the day was to capture photos of the foot path the workers use to walk-in the construction materials, from the delivery point to the construction site, the “Sewing Center”.   This foot path, approx. one-quarter mile, is narrow at many points & a very steep climb for anyone.  With the heavy rains, it makes it treacherous walking in the mud.   Part of the pathway is actually paved with concrete, approx. 20” wide, though this makes it even more slick & challenging.  Typhoon season started early this year and one has occurred already in the south near Mindanao.  The College is located high in the mountains & less chance of flooding.   As a reminder, Upper Javier community is built on the side of a mountain & I wasn’t sure I would ever visit before, during or after any rain.   Today was the day though.  The workers continue walking in material from the drop point.  Two windows were purchased & delivered today.   This will increase the airflow in the Sewing Center.  


06/12/13:   Today was an early start departing at 8AM for Upper Javier.   The team of teenagers from Bellaire UMC and the Deaconess students were energized and ready for a day full of activities.   Children’s activities were held in the morning, and then a snack + school supplies distributed to each of them.  Of course it seems like there is never enough. Due to Rizal holiday, the number was adjusted from the original count of 60 children to 200!  There was still a shortage of snacks by approx. 20 children.  Rest at lunchtime was well deserved & the team returned to the College to regroup.   In the afternoon the team held an activity for Upper Javier youth which was thoroughly enjoyed.  The youth also received an appropriate "youth" snack and school supplies.    

06/11/13:    This morning Olive and I traveled to market by tricycle to purchase material for the curtains for the Pre-K school & Golud Church of Upper Javier (TUMC).   "Ginjee" material was purchased for 20 Pesos/yard at 45" width.  This is very reasonable considering 42 Pesos = $1 USD.    White lace panels were also purcahsed for the 2 church windows, plus 4 cotton floor rugs for the entry doors at 25 Pesos per rug.  

We visited Upper Javier in the afternoon with the team of teenagers & Pastor that arrived from Bellaire UMC.   They conducted the children’s extension program with the group of Deaconess students from Harris Memorial College as interpreters.   I spent time with Ka-Ricah practicing  English with her, building relationship, & discussing sewing the curtains for the Pre-K school & church.   After showing Ka-Ricah the floor rugs we purchased earlier at market, another light bulb lit up & I began inquiring if the women would be intersted in learning to sew the floor rugs.  A commitment with Dr Angie, Harris Memorial College, was agreed to that the Upper Javier women  could learn and begin sewing floor rugs to sell to Harris’ faculty and students.  This gives them several items to be able to sew and sell.   The sewers can use the material not appropriate to use  for clothing in the tropics, & make floor rugs.   Also there will be ample scraps that can be used for “mug-mug” (stuffing).   I shared with Ka-Ricah that she & the sewers can sew the floor rugs easily without a pattern and their skill level continues to improve.  The women can ask 25 Pesos per floor rug which is the current competitive rate.  I was & still am very excited that we stumbled on to this.  God is definitely keeping his finger on the pulse of the women's sewing livelihood program.   

Saturday, June 8, 2013


06/08/13:   Spent the day in Upper Javier at Ta-Reuben and Ka-Ricah’s home.   Project material was delivered & volunteers walked it into the community, approx 4+ hours.  The morning was spent with the women building relationships.  Everyone took a one hour rest period after a wonderful lunch of  fried Sardines, Rice, and Vegetable soup with Pork, all prepared by the local women.  The afternoon was spent piecing “ruugs” together to be sewn.  “Ruugs” are round hot pads made of scraps of material, and they are used for anything you can imagine!  It looked so simple to cut out and sew, but ahhhh contrare.  They do not use a pattern, they cut out the pieces (freehand), and then piece  it together which looks like artwork.  Young children are taught at an early age and help with piecing.   Anyway, there is an art to it, and I finally figured it out after several hours of piecing.  We had a very enjoyable day. 

06/08/13:   The pre-K school which is held in the Golud Methodist Church of Upper Javier, was cleaned thoroughly by the teacher and local women of the community.   It was decided that children’s’ interlocking, rubber floor mats will be purchased for the pre-k school.  [There is actually a Toys R Us Manilla!]  The rubber floor mats can be easily cleaned and both sides used.   This will protect the children from the concrete floors.   Once the sewing center project is completed, the women sewers will then sew new curtains for the pre-k school and church.
06/07/13:  Today I accompanied the team (RubyLynn, community facilitator; Alan Miller, construction lead; Olive Oliveros, pre-k school teacher) to various hardware stores to price construction materials for the sewing center project.  Alan Miller and Ta-Reuben (Upper Javier leader) adjusted the project goals,  modified the list of materials, and are now on track to have materials delivered 6/8 (Sat) morning.  We will be praying that the seasonal rains hold off for the next week!   Lumber, concrete mix (bags) & sand, metal roofing, rebar, tie wire, etc., will be dropped at the “overlooking” place.   Refer to the photos and it will become very obvious.  The materials will be walked into the community by many volunteers as no vehicle or trailer can maneuver the narrow foot paths.   [We sure could use a helicopter!]  Construction work will start Monday.

06/06/13:   The 3-day (12 hour) ESL sessions for the Korean students completed today.   The Korean organization, GENY, which chose Harris Memorial College for English grammar tutorial of their students was extremely pleased in the outcome which had a greater benefit then expected.  For example, one student is now speaking with more confidence.  The teachers were and are excellent in their teaching skills, and also do it care, love, and respect.  They are hopeful these students will continue their studies to excel in English as their second language.  Attached are a few photos, including my teen-age student, Joon Young Lee.  Dr. Christy Mannabat, President of Harris Memorial College, is shown in the pink suit.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

06/04/13:   The ESL class started this morning at 8:00 AM with the group of Korean students.  Harris Memorial College Dean provided a syllabus focusing on English Grammar including Conversation.  The Korean students know English at various levels & are smart, but need more practice.  The group of students consist of 10 elementary students + one 8th grader.  "John", the 8th grader & 15 years old, is my student.  He is extremely shy, tall, & speaks softly.  John plays classical Violin + Piano.  I located a Piano in one of the conference rooms in the College, & at my request he played a classic composition that was beautiful.  The acronym "O...M...G..." is the only thing that came to mind.   This young man is talented.  His family moved here 3 months ago from S. Korea, and both parents are missionaries.  John is taking his time to adjust.  He bowed with respect to me as he left class today.  I am so pleased to have such a smart student.  I am hopeful that I can motivate him to become more comfortable in the next day or 2.  I will introduce him to the young male student attending school at Harris for pre-Seminary studies.  He too is very shy. I will incorporate this as part of our Conversation practice activities on Wed.

06/03/13:  More productive sewing of the blouses and a Dress now thanks to the wonderful sewing by Virgean!  These women are so talented.  One of the sewing machines is down due to high use, and waiting on technician for repair.  Thanks to Olive for modeling the dress.  Tentatively the women are hopeful to be able to sell the dresses to students at Harris College in addition to neighbors of Upper Javier community or surrounding areas.  They have to develop a plan of action first to be competitive with the open market, if at all possible.  

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Photos of Valencia Church Service on 6-2-13 with Pastor Mendoza.

06/02/13:   Attended Harris College Valencia Methodist Church service for the new Chaplain/Pastor Charles Mendoza’s first service.  Their service was conducted in Tagalog and was lovely, 1-1/2 hours of praise singing and worship.  I am working on my diction and pronunciation, but as you can imagine it will take me a while.  I can share that Hesus is Jesus, and Amen is still Amen.   This church’s small congregation have voices like a large angelic choir.   Attached are photos of the Deaconess students and Pastor Mendoza and family.  PS: I participated in Methodist Communion with wafers and grape juice, though I was not able to follow the reading in Tagalog.   I share the following from the service:

Scripture:    Tawag Sa Pagsisisi    1 Juan 1:9
  “Kung ipinahahayag natin an gating mga kasalanan,
maasahan nating ipatatawad sa atin ng Diyos ang mga ito at
lilinisin tayo sa lahat ng ating kasamaan sapagkat siya’y matuwid.”

Following is an excerpt from a song this morning:
Imno Ng Pagtatalaga At Pasasalamat  
[Where He Leads Me I Will Follow]

Si Jesus ay tumatawag, Ito ang isniasaad;
Krus mo’y pasani’t lumakad, sa aki’y sumunod ka agad.
Kung saan ako akayin,  Ay duon ako lalakad,
Hanggang sa aking sapitin,
Ang hangganan ng Kanyan landas.   Amen.



06/01/13:  Upper Javier Pre-K School needs additional curtains.  We went to the open market to search for ready-made curtains but to no avail.  This is another teaching opportunity & we will sew them.  Note the material has to be very sheer in order to dry quickly to avoid mildew (the building is open to weather).  Ready-made, simple curtains are 100 Pesos per panel.  We can purchase material at 20 Pesos per yard at 60” width (equal to one panel).   I love material and was in Heaven while roaming from market to market, looking at bolts of material of exquisite colors and designs.  Philippines is known for its garment industry.  Will upload photos when curtains are complete.   Remember, recent rate of 41.45 Pesos = 1 USD.      

05/29/13:   Recent days’ chaos is indicative of preparation for June school start.  Discussions held to  work through expectations, schedules, logistics, and start of the rainy season which impacts everything!  For example, when it is raining you cannot easily (safely) walk into the Upper Javier community, thus Pre-K school is not held.   Rev Diane McGehee and team will arrive June 5.
Several days of children’s activities at Upper Javier will be held.  Alan Miller and local workers will work on repairs of Upper Javier’s Sewing Center, including patching the roof.