Monday, January 19, 2015

2015  January 20 AM.   Gardening in the mountains is a new experience for me.  So much to learn.     To plant a seed and watch it grow.   Praise God for the soil.  Thanks Jon Fripp, Chapin Living Waters, for the bucket irrigation kits to catch and distribute rain water. 
2015  January 20.  As an individual volunteer in mission, I am  blessed each and every day to be able to share and teach (when I can) for empowerment of those within the community.   I also remind myself of Pastor Kevin Otto's comments to St Stephens UMC's church members each Sunday "...and use words as necessary.."  This photo is from the Natural Foliar Fertilizer training class where we were making fertilizer from Squash.   I was amazed and learned so much that day.
2015  January 19.   This past year has been an amazing period of growth.  The women of the Upper Javier community continue to amaze me, while I take a step back to pause in humility.  I have so much to learn from them as we continue down this path. 

During the last visit to Upper Javier a simple Crochet pattern was shared with the women sewers.  Within one day the women were hand-crafting items from crocheting colorful grocery bags.  I must add that their handcraft work is far superior than mine.  It reminded me that when God is with us, all things are possible. 

Vacation Church School was also held for preK & elementary school children for one week, and they had a wonderful time.  Approx 100 children attended.  Though the budget for daily snax during VCS was tight, we were able to feed all the children each and every day.. down to the last drop of soup in the kettle.  God will provide.